Harry Summers

It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of Harry Summers.

Harry was a well regarded member of the club for over 50 years and will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

Further details will follow.

The club extends our deepest sympathies to the Summers family at this sad time.

Kids Christmas Party - Sunday 22nd December

The annual VOLDAC kids Christmas Party will take place at the club on Sunday 22nd December between 1 - 3pm. Entertainment will be provided.

Tickets are £5 per child (up to 12 years of age).

Tickets can be purchased at the bar or from Rab and Sandra McKeague.

Autumn Colours

Sean McAulay headed up for a late season sail on Saturday 19th October and was rewarded with a bit of sport and a great day out.

“I spent most of the day cruising around the islands and ended up catching two sea trout, the biggest around 3lb and a couple of pike. The biggest sea trout took a Lurgan and a smaller one about 1lb took a brass Milbro T out in the deeps. There was a good stiff breeze blowing down the loch which didn’t let up all day, with the leaves changing colour and the sun making an appearance it was a day to sit back and just take it all in.”

Autumn Loch Lomond.jpeg

Carman Trout Fishery Outing - 2nd February 2020

A club outing to Carman Trout Fishery will take place on Sunday 2nd February 2020. Further details will be provided nearer the time but a competition is planned followed by a presentation back at the club.

If you would like to take part either let a committee member know or send an email to voldacweb@gmail.com. A registration sheet will be made available in the bar.

Fishing is 9am - 5pm. A 4 hour ticket is also available.

The reservoir is well stocked with rainbows, blues, browns and tiger trout.

Loch Earn Competition Results

George MacKenzie returned the best bag during the heats for the Jim Gulbransen Quaich and the Tommy MacKenzie Cup at the clubs recent outing to Loch Earn with a bag of 4 brown trout weighing in at 5lb 4oz.

Conditions were not the greatest with very light to no wind and bright sunshine, although the wind did pick up towards the end of the day.

Other notable catches included Jim Foster with 4 trout, and Harry Gulbransen and RT McGrandle with 3 each.

All fish were caught on floating lines and traditional wet fly setups.

Next season we will make the fly fishing schedule available on the website and the club facebook page so members can see in advance what outings are planned. The venues are not set in stone so feel free to let the committee know if you feel there are other venues worthy of consideration.

Loch Lomond Fly Fishing Competition 2019

Anglers heading up the loch from the VOLDAC and out from Balmaha were greeted by bright blue skies on Saturday for this years Loch Lomond Fly Fishing Competition - organised annually by the LLAIA. Less than ideal conditions but accompanied by a good stiff breeze there remained grounds for optimism.


When all was said and done only two sea trout were weighed in on Inchmurrin, by VOLDAC members Scott Laird in first place, followed by runner up Alec Doey. Both fish were returned and were estimated around 3/4lb and 1/2lb respectively. Scott was awarded with two bottles of malt whisky for heaviest fish and heaviest basket, and a £75 Snowbee voucher also for heaviest fish. Alec received a bottle of malt whisky as runner up. Well done gents!

New VOLDAC member Roddy Frame won first prize in the raffle and received a £100 voucher for the Loch Lomond Arms Hotel.

The day culminated in a BBQ, some refreshments and a blether amongst fellow anglers. A total sum of £300 was raised and will be donated to the Loch Lomond Rescue Boat by the LLAIA.

Thanks to the LLAIA for organising an enjoyable day out - something to pencil in the diary for next year if you missed it.


Outbuildings Clean Up

Clean up and maintenance work began today. Just under 25 members turned up to help clear the area behind the clubhouse and outbuildings in preparation for the laying of a new path, with a few early birds showing up before 9am to get things moving.

The area behind the main clubhouse was cleared and an area for a path behind the engine shed and workshop was scraped and partially drained. Maintenance was also carried out on the pontoons and the grassed areas cut and strimmed.

The committee would like to thank all who showed up - it would not be possible to complete tasks like these without your effort and commitment. It was good to see some of the newer members get involved. Special thanks to Paul Dorrian who put in a shift with the chainsaw before leaving for work after lunch.

Work Day - Sunday 8th September 2019

A work day is scheduled at the club on Sunday 8th September 2019.

We will be carrying out a club and outbuildings clean up and small works maintenance.

A good turn out is hoped for as many hands make light work and reduces maintenance costs incurred by the club. Work will begin at 09:00 sharp.

Thank you,

The committee