Planning ahead

Your committee have been busy looking at events and functions to keep you involved with your club. We have in April of this year a Country and western night, which is sure to sell out. Ticket information will be available soon and will be posted on the web site.

We will be having a big announcement to make to keep loggong into our social media to keep up to date with whats happening in your club.

Not only have we the first competition of the year we also have the return of “our wee night out in the afternoon” as usual we will have Irish Bingo, Play your cards right, the wee Saturday raffle and Karaoke. We may also have some of our friends making an appearance who have been “up the Loch” we will take a short break for the prize giving and snacks then continue on to 8pm with our Karaoke etc. Doors open 2.30pm.

Quick reminder

This date should be in your diary, Sat 8 March is our first fishing competition of the year. Last season these days generated a lot of attention and brough many anglers and their boats out onto the Loch. We are sure this season will be no different.

Junior Members

For those of you who follow us on you tube and watched the film of our opening day ceremony may have seen a short image slideshow at the end of the film. We can introduce to you to two of our junior members Jack Burgoyne and Adam Sweeney who are pictured with Committee Member receiving their Loch permits for the 2025 season. The money for the permits was raised from raffle money from last years fishing competitions. Both boys are keen anglers and Adam has already had the pleasure of catching fish. It is great to see the junior section now welcoming new members and we hope this continues. If you see the boys on the Loch give them a wave and some useful advice.

Quick Reminder

Friday we hold our annual AGM, this is an ideal opportunity to get involved in debating the future of our club. The doors open at 7pm with the meeting starting at 7.30pm.

Our next “Night out in the afternoon” will be Saturday 8 March, we will have the usual fun and games plus Karaoke and disco. This is also the dat of our first of this seasons angling competitions. Have a read and familiarise yourself with the rules.

Important dates

Now that the Season is up and running we have some important dates for your diary.

We begin on Friday February 28, when we hold our AGM. This is an important event for the club and its members and we encourage all our members to attend and take part in discussing the future of the club. The doors will be open for 7pm and the AGM will commence at 7,30pm.

Secondly on 8 March we have our next “wee night out in the afternoon” . This will run from 2.30pm until 8pm and we will have as usual, the wee Saturday raffle, Irish Bingo paly your card right with a roll over cash prize and of course Karaoke to enable you to sing your hearts out. These afternoon events are becoming ever more popular and are being advertised more frequently and in a wide range of venues. So we did it first, so come on down bring your family and friends for what has been very successful afternoons. Saturday 8 will also be the first fishing competition of the season and more information will be shared closer to the date. So come on down, you know you want to. See you on the 8 March.

Opening Ceremony

Remember we have our opening ceremony tomorrow. With what is a historical and traditional ceremony, we invite our members, their family and friends on Saturday 15 January to celebrate this special occasion. We will meet at the club house for 9am and parade to the sound of the bagpipes with our rods to the jetty. Where we will be welcomed by club President Robert Mair and Willian Cairns from Walking with the Wounded who we have worked closely with in the season just past. There will be a short speech from each and the blessing of the boats, followed by a days fishing the Loch.

The club house will be open from 3pm for those wish to share stories and some refreshments. We will have music and a comfortable setting awaiting our members. It will be good to meet up again after the lengthy break. See you all tomorrow.

Season 2025

Now that the new season is upon us, we again intend to adhere to tradition as many other angling organisations do mark the opening of the season in the traditional manner. Sat 15 February is the first Saturday of the season and to mark it, we will be having an opening presentation. We invite our members their guests and family to join us in marching with our rods from the work sheds to the jetty, we will be led by the sound of the pipes and once at the jetty we will hear some words from club president Roberts Mair and LLAIA chairman Colin Liddell. We will have the traditional blessing of the boats before our hardy anglers venture up the Loch. It may be worth pointing out that one of our members has already caught a 19lb springer, so the fish may be there.

The forecast is cold, sunny with light winds therefore it should make it a pleasant day.

If we can meet at the club house with our rods looking to March to the jetty at 9.30am. Following the days fishing the club house will be open from 3pm. We look forward to getting the new season off to a good start and hope to see you all there.

Club News

As we fast approach the start to the 2025 season we have plenty to offer at your club. The exciting news is that we are now in a position to open the social side of our club. The bar will be open from 12.30 Sunday 9 Feb. We look forward to seeing you and sharing some good patter and drinks.

Sat 15 Fab is the first Saturday of the season and as last year we are inviting all our members, their family and friends to our opening parade on Saturday morning. We will parade from the workshops following our invited piper to the jetty where we will have the blessing of the boats and some speeches from our president and the chairman of the LLAIA Colin Liddell. Thereafter its a day’s fishing on the big pond. Rember our president has already got a fish to his name, so they are there and we could have a wonderful start to our season. It may be worth noting that our system this year is Cat 3 which is compulsory catch and release. At the end of the day our club house will be open for social activities and discussion on the day’s events.

Sat 8 March is our next “Night out in the Afternoon” and we will be providing Irish Bingo, the wee Saturday raffle, play your cards right with a cash jackpot which is increasing, Karaoke and much much fun. The doors open at 2.30pm and we will be going through until 8pm. We will privide more information on the fishing competitions and cabaret at the end of March. So get yourself down to your club and join in all we have to offer.


Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control for the next few weeks we will not be able to operate the social side of our club. It is with regret that we have had to cancel this weekend`s Burns celebration and will remain closed for the next few weeks. We will keep our members updated through our social media platforms.

A wee night out during the day

Don’t forget to join us on Sat 25 Jan for our wee night out during the day. This month with the 25th being Burns day, we will have a Burns/Scottish theme. With the doors opening now at 2.30pm get there early to ensure you have a good seat. We will have our usual fun and games with the wee Saturday raffle, a roll over cash prize in Play your cards right, Irish Bingo and fun and hilarity. We have increased our fun and hilarity and will go onto 8pm. So get this day in your diary, come and join us for a big surprise and you wont have any problems with travel home.

Go on you know you want to.

Come alive in 25, dates for your diary.

Now that the festivities are over and we look to the year ahead. We have a packet schedule for our members, their family and friends. Ranging from fishing competitions to social events we have something for everyone.

Beginning on Sat 25 Jan, we have our next wee night out in the afternoon, this has been a very popular social event and due to repeated requests from those who attend we have increased the timing on the event from doors opening 2.30pm until 8pm. We will have our usual wee Saturday raffle, Irish Bingo and a roll over cash prize for play your cards right plus karaoke. So come on down and join us for fun and hilarity. These afternoons will continue to run on a monthly basis. This month we will have a Burns theme as the 25 is Burns night.

Feb we have our celebration of the new season beginning, as last year we will have the parade to the jetty and the blessing of the boats from invited speakers. After a day on the Loch we will have our social evening in the club. This will be our first fishing competition of the year and they will be 6 weekly thereafter.

March we will have our first cabaret of the year and we are in the process of negotiation with our agent to bring a top quality act to our club.

April, we have our country night with ticket availability limited so if you want to go to the event get in touch through our social media.

So keep in touch with us, and come and join us. Go on, you know you want to.

A wee night out during the day.

Now that our Christmas Cabaret is over, our kids Christmas party is over. It is now our turn to have “a wee night out during the day”. Saturday 14 Dec from 3-7pm, come and join us for an afternoon of fun games, karaoke and all the Christmas music you can listen to. We will have play your cards right, Irish bingo, the wee Saturday raffle and lots of fun. So look out your Christmas jumpers and come along and have some fun in the run up to Christmas. See you Saturday.

Christmas Events ....

Just a wee reminder of what’s coming up in the next week or so …

Saturday, 7th - Christmas Cabaret - The Ultimate Party Night with Dave Cairns. If you’ve not got your tickets yet there is still some availability and you can come on down and pay at the door - £10pp.

Sunday, 8th December - Kids Christmas Party 2p.m. to 4p.m. with a special guest appearance from the big man in the red suit and the white beard …

Saturday, 14th December - join us in the members’ lounge for a Night Out in the Afternoon with dancing, karaoke and a couple of fun games, including the cash prize Play Your Cards Right. You can wera a Christmas jumper.

Christmas festivities

4 days to go now to 1st December and the countdown to Christmas can officiallly begin …. so- here’s a reminder of the Festive events at the Club this month -

Christmas Caberet - Saturday, 7th at 7.30 p.m. The Ultimate Night Out with Dave Cairns, something a bit different this year, a variety show featuring music through the decades with audience interaction, along with a Christmas disco, so get your glad rags and sequins out and come on down for some Christmas cheer. Tickets £10 available behind the bar or through the Club’s social media. Can members who have previously reserved tickets please pop in this weekend to pay for them/pick them up.

Kids’ Christmas Party - Saturday, 7th 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. This is sold out and Santa on his way for an afternoon of fun for all.

Night Out in the Afternoon - Saturday, 14th 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Following on from last month’s success we will be running another on Saturday, 14th so why not dust off your Christmas jumper and come down for some Festive Karaoke and dancing, a wee game of Irish Bingo, our Saturday Raffle and a round of Play Your Cards Right with a cash rollover from last month to add to whatever comes in this month - might be your lucky day just in time for Christmas - in it to win it …

Christmas Cabaret

With only a few weeks to go, there is still time to secure your tickets for our Christmas Cabaret. This will be held on Sat 7 Dec and we have for your enjoyment, Dave Cairns with his ultimate party night. This is a variety show with music through the decades and some interaction with the audience. Tickets are prices at £10 per person and can be purchased in the club house or reserved through our social media.

Donation to the club.

Pictured below is club Secretary Steve Squires and club member Mark Workman Nash who has donated a signed Ipswich town football top to the club. Many thanks to Mark for his kind donation and supporting the club.

Winter Fishing Programme

Yesterday saw our first outing of our winter fishing programme. Several hearty members and their friends ventured the frosty conditions and made their way to Harelaw trout fishery. With all deciding to fish from boats the conditions started off as very cold and the temperature didn’t rise much. Catches were few and far between with two trout being caught, one on a red snake and the other on a blob. Several fish were lost. It was a good day and all who came along enjoyed the experience. We will have another outing next month and keep a look out on social media if you want to join us.

Disco during the day.

If you like a wee night out during the day, be home early and fresh in the morning. Why not join us for our first disco during the day. From 3-7pm on Sat 16 Nov, we will have quiz, karaoke, Play your cards right and all the Christmas music you could hope for. This will get you ready for the Christmas parties ahead. Why not come and join us for an hour or two or the full duration. Hope to see you on the 16 Nov.