AGM Reminder


A reminder that the VOLDAC AGM will be held on Friday 10th February 2023.

Doors open at 7pm. Members are urged to attend and be seated and ready to start by 7:30pm.

Many thanks

The committee

Seasons Greetings


The committee would like to wish all members, friends and families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes.

We hope that you enjoy the festivities and are raring to go for the next boat shift on Sunday 8th January 2023.

Please note that the bar remains closed until Friday 6th January 2023.

All the best,

The committee

Catch Returns


Please see the below communication from the LLAIA regarding 2022 Catch Returns and possible implications for the grading of the Lomond system.

Marine Scotland have published the results of the Conservation consultation and suggestion of 100% C&R being mandatory across the country.

The good news is they are not proceeding with this proposal and details are in the consultation report, also they confirmed that our system will once again be Cat2 for season 2023.

To read the reports and consultation submissions please follow links below.

Outstanding 2022 Catch Returns

Most concerningly in relation to 2022 Catch Return Forms then, at the time of posting this, there remains nearly 70 full members and 258 Leven season holders who for whatever reason have failed to submit a 2022 Catch Return Form. This is despite several communications, postal reminders,  considerable effort and costs  incurred to ensure that returns are provided. 

Thank you to all anglers and members who have already submitted their 2022 Catch Return Form.

If we don’t get catch returns in from everybody, especially full members then, with a current low fish capture on the Endrick once more, our 5 year average for the Endrick may well make the Endrick Cat 3 for season 2024 and because it’s a SAC river then means whole of the Leven and Lomond system will be mandatory C&R for 2024. 

Clearly it is in the hands of the anglers and members who have yet to submit a catch return , no catch return, no fish recorded, no fish recorded then Scot Gov make our system mandatory C&R.

We would therefore request that the above anglers and members take a few minutes to complete and submit a 2022 Catch Return as soon as possible in order to avoid a 100% C&R category for 2024.

Marine Scotland

Conservation of salmon – Outcome of Salmon fishing: proposed river gradings for 2023 season consultation

We sought views on the proposed river gradings for the 2023 salmon fishing season and on a regime to enhance catch and release rates to 100%, either through the use of voluntary or mandatory measures. The consultation opened on the 10 August and closed on 9 September 2022. The consultation has now concluded, with the outcome report available on Citizen Space.

The views given on the proposed river gradings have been used to inform the process of finalising the gradings for the 2023 fishing season, which will be used in the annual amendment to The Conservation of Salmon (Scotland) Regulations 2016.


The committee

Cabaret Night - Saturday 11th Feb 2023


The next cabaret night will be on Saturday 11th February 2023 with James Frew starring as Rod Stewart. Tickets are £10 each and can be booked and paid for at the club or by contacting the Social Convenor.

Please ensure that all tickets are paid for prior to 11th Feb so that Mick can get things organised in advance.

See you there.


The committee

Reminder: Catch Returns


A reminder that catch returns are now overdue, including ‘Nil Returns’.

Forms can be dropped into the post box next to the slip at the front of the club or completed online via the link below.


The committee

Members Update


A few points to note from the VOLDAC.

Boat Shifts

The Manitou has been repaired and the first boat shift will be on Sunday 27th November at 09:00. As always, hoping for a good turnout as many hands make light work!

Kids Christmas Party

The Kids Christmas Party will be on Sunday 11th December 2 - 4pm.

For 11 years and under, tickets are £6 and available at the club or through a committee member.

ABBA Tribute

The ABBA Tribute Night on Saturday 3rd December is sold out. If you have yet to pay for tickets that you have booked, please help our Social Convenor out by making the effort to come down and square up the finances before the event.

Many thanks

The committee

First Boat Shift Postponed


If you are not already aware, please note that the first boat shift on Sunday 6th November has been postponed until further notice.

Unfortunately there is a problem with the Manitou that requires inspection by an Engineer.

We will provide an update at the earliest opportunity.


The committee

Boat Shifts


It is again time to get our boats out of the water, cleaned up and prepared for next season.

Please see below the dates for this years boat shifts.

As always, hoping for good turnouts to ensure plenty of helping hands are available to help all of our members get their boats onto dry land and ready for a bit of annual maintenance.








The committee

2022 - End of Season Bash


As usual, on the last Saturday of the season, the members lounge will be open from 4pm on Saturday 29th October for fishermen, friends and families to gather and commemorate the season past. Whether it be good, bad or indifferent.

To mark the occasion, Mick (our Social Convenor) has organised music, hot food and a raffle with some great prizes up for grabs.

Hope to see a good turnout, both up the Loch and back at the club for a bit of a knees-up.


The committee

Cabaret Night - Saturday 24th September - Tickets Available


There are still tickets available for the Cabaret Night at the VOLDAC this coming Saturday.

The Piano Man - Tribute to Elton John & Billy Joel

Tickets are £8 and can be paid for at the door on the night. Come along and pack the club out for a night of great live entertainment and sing along to some classic songs!

Anglers, danglers, social members, family and friends all welcome!

Tickets will also be available on Saturday for the Christmas Cabaret Night on Saturday 3rd December. Get your tickets early to avoid missing out.

Voyager - ABBA Tribute Act


The committee

Proposed 2023 River Gradings & C&R Enhancement Proposals


Please find below a summary taken from the L.L.A.I.A website of a communication from Marine Scotland Recreational Fisheries to the L.L.A.I.A and all the wider Salmon Fisheries in Scotland.

“I am writing to let you know that the Scottish Ministers propose to continue to regulate the killing of salmon in Scotland, including the prohibition on retaining any salmon caught in coastal waters, by means of conservation regulations made under section 38 of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 2003.

Marine Scotland has undertaken an assessment of the conservation status of salmon in inland waters in Scotland for the 2023 fishing season. The outcome of that assessment, including proposed gradings for rivers and assessment groups in 2023, is available on the Scottish Government website.

Ministers are required, under the terms of section 38 and schedule 1 of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 2003, to publish notice of the proposals allowing a minimum 28 day period for representations or objections to be made. Notice is hereby given that the consultation will be advertised and commence on Wednesday 10th August 2022.

Additionally, the Scottish Government are seeking views on the encouragement of voluntary measures to enhance catch and release rates to 100% across the whole of Scotland. These measures would include highlighting catch and release best practice guidance to reduce post-catch mortality. Should these voluntary measures be unsuccessful in achieving 100% catch and release we are also seeking views on the prospect of introducing mandatory measures in future to achieve this aim. This would potentially involve amending legislation to prohibit the retention of Atlantic salmon on all rivers in Scotland, regardless of their river grading. Please see the proposal on achieving higher catch and release rates for further details.

If you wish to submit a view on the proposed river gradings or on the proposals for achieving higher catch and release rates, you can do so online through our consultation hub using the link below.

You can save and return to your responses while the consultation is still open. Please ensure that consultation responses are submitted before the closing date of Friday 9th September 2022.

Additionally, your views on proposals to enhance catch and release and post-catch survivability rates across the whole of Scotland will contribute to policymaking that further protects and restores wild Atlantic salmon populations.

Link is:

It is very important that as many members and anglers submit a response to make their views known to the Scottish Government. The Committee will be making a submission on behalf of the Association, but every Salmon angler should take five minutes to make their own submission to show the passion and commitment we have to our fishing.”

The club Secretary will be in attendance at the VOLDAC on Sunday 4th September from 12:00 - 3:00pm should any member require assistance with composing a response and submitting their views via the online consultation hub.

We would echo the view of the L.L.A.I.A and urge all members to take this opportunity to make their views known to the Scottish Government.


The committee

Beaver Translocation on Lomond System


RSPB Scotland have a proposal to translocate beavers from conflict sites on the Tay system to the RSPB reserve on the Lower Endrick area of Loch Lomond.

Further information is available via the link below.

A questionnaire is being used to gauge public feedback. Responses will be compiled and submitted to NatureScot as part of RSPB Scotland's beaver translocation licence application. The questionnaire can be accessed via the link below and takes a few minutes to complete.

Note: No formal communication has been received from RSPB Scotland regarding this questionnaire or how it will form part of the beaver translocation licence application.

The closing date for submissions is today.


The committee

Annual Membership Fees Due


If you have not already paid your annual membership fees, these are now due by the end of this month.

Fees can be paid via bank transfer, or alternatively in person at the VOLDAC on Sunday 28 August between 12:30 - 3:00pm.

If you require bank details or require further assistance please contact a member of the committee.


The committee

VOLDAC Cabaret Night - Saturday 24th September


After the success of the Neil Diamond and Kenny Rogers tribute which sold out in June, the Social Convenor has organised another Cabaret Night - details below.

Tickets are are £8 each and can be purchased or reserved at the bar.

Hope to see you there.

The committee

Work Day - Sunday 24 July


Thanks to the handful of members who gave up their time and turned up for the work party on Sunday morning. We managed to get the rod room, workshop and drying shed tidied and swept.

In preparation for our next workday on Sunday 24 July, members are reminded that all personal belongings must be stored inside lockers.

Any item except oars, found sitting on top of a locker or stacked up outside a locker is at risk of being binned. This also applies to any materials that have been left lying around the drying shed or workshop without a label displaying the owners name.

We look forward to welcoming as many members as possible at 09:00 on Sunday 24 July to assist with the general maintenance and upkeep of your club.

Many thanks,

The committee

VOLDAC Cabaret Night - Saturday 4th June


A reminder that tickets are still available for the cabaret night at the VOLDAC on Saturday 4th June. However, they are going fast so act quickly if you would like to come along and be entertained.

Tickets can be reserved within the events book behind the bar and must be paid in full before 4th June.

See you there.

The committee

2022 Annual Membership Fees


Please note that Annual Membership Fees for 2022 are now due and can be paid via the following means.

  1. Via bank transfer. If this is your preference please contact a committee member for bank details.

  2. In person at the VOLDAC on Sunday 27th March from 12:30pm onwards.

Please note that a representative from the LLAIA will be in attendance on Sunday should anybody also wish to purchase their permit on the day. This will be on the basis that applicants have completed their permit renewal forms.

Many thanks,

The committee