There continue to be tickets available for our kids xmas party on 10 Dec 2-4pm. Tickets are available to primary age children and are priced at £6 per child. The closing date for tickets is Sat 2 Dec.
Jim Malloch
It is with the deepest sadness that we announce the passing of VOLDAC member Jim Malloch. Funeral arrangements are Fri 1 Dec to Cardross Crematorium 1.15 pm, thereafter to Abbotsford Hotel.
What's On
With the season now a memory, you don’t need to be a stranger to the club. Through the winter period we will have for our members and their guests fun and entertainment.
Fri 24 Nov is our next quiz karaoke night beginning at 7pm. This has been a good social event and all are welcome.
Sat 2 Dec is our Christmas Cabaret, unfortunately all tickets for this evening have been sold. The demand has been incredible.
Sun 10 Dec is the kids xmas party from 2-4pm. Tickets are now available at the clubhouse at a price of £6 per child. They are available to primary school age children.
Saturday 18 Nov is our next boat shift and there is also a notice in the rod room of all boat shit dates.
Boat Shift
As we now prepare for the new season, the first boat shift of the year will be Saturday 4 Nov from 9am. Can we note the change from Sunday to Saturday, as usual we are looking for a good turn put of members to support each other.
Many hands make light work, hope to see you on Saturday morning.
End of Season
As tradition dictates our members will fish the Loch on the last Saturday of the season, for those brave enough to face the elements a warm welcome awaits them in the club at the end of the day. The club will be open from 3pm offering a warm welcome environment. We will have pies etc to warm you up and our grand raffle will also take place. For those who choose we will have music and Karaoke if you want to sing. So make sure you and your friends join us on Saturday to celebrate the passing season and be with old friends. Bring your friends and family, all are welcome.
George Brown
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of long time VOLDAC member George Brown. George was a regular visitor to the club enjoying a chat about all things fishing.
The funeral arrangements for George are Mondsy 30 October to Lomond parish church for 10am and thereafter to Vale of Leven cemetery for 11am. There will be reception following the burial in the Vale Masonic
VOLDAC offer sincere condolences to the family of George.
Sam Harrison
2 September Cabaret
With just over a week to go we still have some tickets for sale if you want to join us for is sure to be a super night out. Tickets are priced at £10 per person and are available behind the bar in the clubhouse. You can if you wish reserve tickets by contacting 07984 767859 by text, what’s app or phone call. Appearing along with Juliana is vocalist Sam Harrison, giving you two acts for the price of one. So get in touch with us and join us for our Sept Cabaret.
Juliana`s Big Night Oot
Following the cancellation of our race night, we have at short notice managed to arrange a Cabaret for Sat 2 Sept. Having appeared in the club previously we have been fortunate to have been able to book Juliana, with her new show “A big night oot”. The show consists of music through the decades and a touch of comedy. Juliana has spent a considerable amount of time and preparation and is excited about returning to the club with her show. We have also managed to book a support act. Tickets will be priced at £10 per person and will be sold on a first come first served basis. Tickets are available at the club.
Race Night
Following a review of our social events at our recent committee meeting, it has been decided due to the poor take up of tickets the decision has been taken to cancel the race night. We give a big thank you to the members and non members who did support the evening by sponsoring races.
Club News
Members are reminded that the second part of club fees can be paid at the club on Sunday 20 & 27 Aug between 12.30 & 3pm.
Members are reminded to keep the rod room clear, it has been noticed that there is a build up of members possessions which are provint to be a health & safety hazard. Could we ask members to remove these items,prior to there removal by the committee.
Engine shed, could members adhere to the expectation that the one fuel can per engine continues to be operational.
Due to the large amount of regular attendees at our quiz/Oke being on holiday we have decided to cancel the Quiz schedulled for Fri 28 July.The next Quiz/Oke will be the last Friday of the month in August
VOLDAC Cabaret
There a few tickets remaining for our Cabaret on Sat evening. The night consists of a tribute to Queen and Freddie Mercury followed by an evening of Cabaret. If any member would like to secure the remaining tickets e mail
Club Outing - Frandy Fishery
The next club outing will be to Frandy fishery on Sunday 16 July, members who would like to take part in the outing can register their interest vis our facebook page or
Club Vacancy
We are now looking to recruit for the position of bar person. Hours are flexible and mainly worked at the weekend on a rotational basis. The salary is NWW, no experience is necessary as training will be provided to the successful candidate. To express your interest e mail
Loch Lomond and the Trossachs national park
At our recent monthly committee meeting, we had a talk from Leigh Hamilton, NPA. She discussed with us plans for the future of the national park and advised that there is a consultation period running until 19 July. She has asked if we would share with our members the web address for members who would like to read up on the plans or contribute to the consultation. If you would like to contribute to the consultation log into
Holiday Weekend- Quiz/Oke
Club Maintenance/ Notice for members
The engine shed has new lighting which is motion sensor controlled, therefore the lights will come on when the door is unlocked and opened. They will go off a short time after the doors are closed and locked.
June Cabaret - He will Rock You
Tickets are now on sale to our members and their guests for our Cabaret in June. This is a tribute to Queen and Freddie Mercury and. Support will be provided by top vocalist Vicky Grant.
Charity Race Night
We are running a race night on Saturday, 19th August to raise funds for the Kids’ Christmas Party.
We have decided to organise a race night to raise funds for the children’s Christmas party. The event will consist of 6 races and an auction race. We hope to raise enough funds to make this years Christmas party extra enjoyable for the children of our members. Mark the date in your diary and we will keep you updated on developments and ticket release.