Due to ongoing plastering works within the clubhouse , the bar will be closed this weekend.
A further update will be posted midweek.
Kind regards,
The committee
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Due to ongoing plastering works within the clubhouse , the bar will be closed this weekend.
A further update will be posted midweek.
Kind regards,
The committee
The LLAIA has scheduled a River Leven cleanup on the weekend on 17th & 18th July. Any support that members are able to offer would be appreciated - copy and paste the link below into your browser for further details.
The committee
We are looking for volunteers to assist with a clean up of the club facilities on Sunday 27th June. Tasks to be completed include:
A clean up of the drying shed, workshop and engine shed
A clean up of the rod room
A general inspection to determine what is required to complete the resurfacing works
Prior to the work day, the committee asks that members clear any wellingtons, waders, items of clothing and general equipment that they may have lying around the rod room. Any items sitting on top of lockers should be locked away or removed.
If you have any general boating or maintenance materials lying around the drying shed, workshop or engine shed, such as chains, ropes, fenders or wood please secure or remove from the premises otherwise they will be disposed of.
Moving forward, all members are asked to help ensure that club premises are kept in a clean and tidy state.
Also, please remember not to park in front of the cellar shutters on a Thursday as the bar supplies are delivered on a Thursday and access is required.
Many thanks,
The committee
Resurfacing works will begin later this week on the road area that runs along the front of the work sheds and down onto the cycle path. A three metre wide tarmac road will be laid.
We are looking for some volunteers to assist with general preparation. Tasks to be completed will include clearing grass and weeds from the kerb edges, trimming back the ivy that overhangs the wall outside the front of the club, preparing no parking zones and a general tidy up.
Work will begin at 6pm on Tuesday 15th June. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Note that the resurfacing works will begin on Thursday 17th June and will take 10 days to complete. Please bear this in mind that it will not be possible to park directly outside the club during this time. Instead, members should use the main car park to the side of the drying shed.
Many thanks,
The committee
We are looking for some volunteers to assist with some maintenance work at the club on Sunday 9th May at 9:00am. Tasks to be completed include:
Preparation for re-concreting the area outside the front of the club - shuttering etc.
Pressure washing the walkways on two of the pontoons.
General inspection on two of the pontoons.
If you are available to help please turn up for a 9am start and bring a face mask and gloves.
Apologies for the late notice.
Many thanks,
The committee
We require some volunteers to assist with essential maintenance of the pontoons on Sunday 18th April at 9:00am. Tasks to be completed include:
Realignment of the walkways as they have moved with the high water over the winter
Pressure washing the walkways to prevent slippage (we have purchased a pressure washer)
General inspection and maintenance
We will also be moving what will become the club boat, which will be available for use by any member without an allocated mooring.
If you are available to help please inform any committee member so that numbers can be managed.
Bring a mask, gloves and remember to social distance.
Many thanks,
The committee
Annual fees are now due.
To pay your fees as required by the end of March please contact a member of the committee to obtain the club bank details to complete an electronic payment. The Committee are also happy to take your monies in cash, although we would prefer for you to pay electronically (If paying cash you must have a prior agreement in place with a committee member. When paying by bank transfer please use your full name as the reference).
You can contact us on Facebook or via email at
The committee
Dear members,
On behalf of the LLAIA we would like to notify you that members who wish to renew their membership for the 2021 season can hand their renewal form into O’Briens Newsagents and pay via cash, cheque or bank transfer. Bank details are noted on the renewal form. Permits will be posted.
Click on the link below for pricing information and application forms.
The committee
Dear Members,
Due to the restrictions imposed by the Scottish Government in light of the Coronavirus pandemic, the committee has taken the decision to postpone this years AGM.
The AGM will no longer take place in February as normal, we will advise when we are in a position to confirm the new date.
Text message updates:
Should you wish to receive club updates by text message, email your mobile number to or let a committee member know.
Please pass this on to members that do not use the website or Facebook.
Many thanks,
The committee
Dear members,
2020 has without a doubt been hugely challenging for all of us in many different ways. Hopefully 2021 will see a level of normality return to the world with vaccines now being developed and rolled out. The committee hope that this will result in normal service being resumed around the club next year, however we understand that this is likely to be a slow process with parts of the club likely to be reopened when it is safe to do so and when government guidelines allow.
What’s new?
Members that have been around the club over the last few months may have noticed that the committee and some members have been working away when government guidelines have allowed.
The wooden cladding at the front and side of the building has been replaced with new PVC cladding, gutters and downpipes were also replaced. We have replaced the old yellow crane with a Manitou to assist with boating and building works in the years to come. We are also currently working on replacing the heating oil fuel tank which has been relocated to behind the club house. We will continue to upgrade club facilities inside and out, and have a number of projects planned throughout 2021 and 2022.
Boat Shifts in 2021
As a result of the ongoing restrictions club facilities remain closed until further notice. However the Boating Convenor has agreed to assist with the removal of boats from the water, to be either stored outside on club premises or removed from the premises altogether. We are unable to assist with turning boats over due to social distancing restrictions.
Anybody that requires assistance with having their boat removed from the water should contact Tam McBride or any committee member.
Please do not turn up without first clearing it with a committee member as we must ensure that we are compliant with government guidelines which appear to be in a state of constant review.
Annual General Meeting
As you will be aware, our AGM is normally held in February. However this is unlikely to be possible in light of the current situation. We are considering alternative options taking into account the uncertain circumstances. We will update you as soon as possible.
With Regret
We have received the unfortunate news that some VOLDAC members have sadly passed away this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with all members and families that have experienced the loss of a loved one.
We will raise a glass to absent members during the festive period.
Seasons Greetings
The committee would like to wish all members and their families a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
We hope that you all have a great time during the festive period and we look forward to welcoming you back to your club to enjoy the facilities and good company soon.
Merry Christmas,
The committee.
Dear members,
Boat shifts:
Following on from our last update we are now operating within the governments level 3 guidelines. As a result the club bar remains closed and boat shifts are cancelled until further notice.
You may however use the club slipway to remove your boat from the water and either store outside on club premises or remove altogether. No boats are permitted into the drying shed or workshop until we are are permitted to work safely following government guidelines.
The keys for the drying shed and workshop will be removed from the locker on Monday 9th November. This gives you time to remove any belongings you may require. The engine shed keys will remain in the locker allowing you to store or remove your engines and fuel tanks.
Anyone planning to use the slipway to remove their boat from the water and store at the club must do so following government guidelines on social distancing.
LLAIA catch returns:
You are now able post your catch returns. We encourage you to do so as soon as possible. You can return by post, using the LLAIA website or by posting in the green box at the front of the club. Failure to do so may delay your membership for season 2021.
You can contact the committee using Facebook or by emailing us through our website.
Best regards,
The committee
Dear members,
You may be aware that we have organised our first boat shift for this Sunday. Unfortunately due to the recent local lockdown restrictions that have been put in place the committee has had to make a difficult decision and cancel the boat shift this Sunday.
We will monitor the situation and continue to follow government guidelines over the next 2 weeks and update you accordingly.
If you have any queries please contact us on our Facebook page, the website or by contacting a member of the committee.
Best regards,
The committee
The annual Loch Lomond Fly Fishing Competition for 2020 will take place on Saturday 19th September.
From the LLAIA website:
General information
This year’s event will be held on Loch Lomond on the date noted above. Angling will be from boats only and by fly only including dapping.
The competition will be open to full members of the LLAIA their guests and the general public.
Corona Virus 19
Unfortunately due to covid restrictions it has been decided not to hold a post competition BBQ. All competitors must adhere to social distancing and hand cleanliness guidelines. Gels will be provided at registration centres and weigh in.
Registration can be at Balmaha boatyard and at Vale of Leven District Angling Club between the hours of 08:00 and 09:00.
Once registered, anglers are free to begin fishing.
Entry fee of £5 per angler will apply.
Angling will be by fly only including dapping artificial flies.
No trolling gear allowed in any boat taking part.
All participants must have a valid permit for the day of the competition.
All fish caught to be returned alive to the water. A tape measure will be supplied to each boat at registration and anglers should use this to measure the length and girth of any fish caught which will be used to estimate the weight. All fish must be photographed with the tape for the purpose of adjudication.
Salmon, trout and sea trout will all count.
Anglers must return for the presentation of prizes by 16:00 to the sandy spit at the North East end of Inchmurrin to declare their catches. Any angler returning after 16:00 will be disqualified.
This year we are delighted to have the Glasgow and Edinburgh Angling Centres as our main sponsor who have generously donated the following great prizes.
Best overall bag – Prize “Heaviest Basket Cup ‘ + Alfa 5+ Fly Reel
Best fish of the day – Salmon or Sea Trout – Prize – SA Amplitude Fly Line
Second best fish of the day – Salmon or Sea Trout – Prize – 50 x Fario Flies and Box
This will be the fourth such event. A raffle will be drawn and all proceeds from the day will once again be donated to our nominated charity the Loch Lomond Rescue Boat. Last year’s event raised £300.
There are some great raffle prizes to be won, thank you to Snowbee and Luss Estates Company for their generosity in providing prizes.
Snowbee Voucher
Less Estates Voucher (Loch Lomond Arms Hotel)
There will be a weather watch at midday on Thursday 17th September. An update and any change of arrangements posted on the LLAIA website and Facebook page.
We would like to acknowledge and thank each of our sponsors, Glasgow and Edinburgh Angling Centres, Luss Estates Company and Snowbee UK for their support which is greatly appreciated.
VOLDAC committee
The committee would like to thank all the members who turned up at the work day today and helped with replacing the cladding, painting the front of the clubhouse, cutting the grass and preparing the foundations for the new heating oil tank that will be installed in the near future.
All in all, it was a great turnout and some good progress was made. It was encouraging to see the members come together and help the club take another step forward. Your support is essential.
Hope to see you at the next work day.
VOLDAC committee
A work day is scheduled on Sunday 6th September to continue the gutter, facing and cladding replacement works that have been ongoing over the last couple of months. The club could use the assistance of approximately 6 non-committee members in order to hopefully complete these works on Sunday. A number of committee members have already volunteered to attend.
Volunteers would be required to assist with some very light labouring, preparation of exterior surfaces for painting and generally lend a hand.
Many hands make light work, however social distancing has to be observed hence the need to keep the numbers to around 12.
If you are able and willing to help out, even if only for a couple of hours please drop an email to or let a committee member know. We will be starting at 9:30 am sharp.
Best regards,
VOLDAC committee
Dear members,
Members fees due
A gentle reminder that the remaining club fees for 2020 are due. It is important that you make every effort to pay any outstanding balance between now and the end of August. If you prefer to pay via electronic transfer you can do so by contacting the club treasurer and Tam Dorrian will be happy to assist. The bar will also be open on a Saturday and Sunday if you prefer to leave your monies with the bar staff.
The club will be open on the following dates with committee members available to accept your fees.
Sunday 23rd August 12:30pm-3pm
Sunday 30th August 12:30pm-3pm
Work day planned
We have scheduled a work day this Sunday to continue the replacement of the gutters, facings and cladding. We intend on carrying out small works in and around the club facilities so a strong turnout from any available member will be appreciated. It would be good to see some new faces down to help out, you don’t need to have a particular trade just be able and willing to help out. The club is investing quite heavily in modernising and improving club facilities for its members and visitors so the club needs your help to make it “your club” for many years to come.
Best regards
VOLDAC committee
On the face of it this year has been a quiet one at the VOLDAC with the facilities being closed and the fishing curtailed for a significant part of the season as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, work is continuing behind the scenes to ensure that the club continues to move forward.
What’s new?
The bar has reopened
The bar reopened on Saturday 1st August. Signage, perspex screens and hand sanitizer have been made available and a one way system and social distancing measures implemented in order that the bar can reopen safely and in accordance with government guidelines.
Members are required to sign in and out of the bar and leave their contact details in the book next to the notice board at the bar entrance. The bar now accepts card payment.
Members are asked to help keep the bar open by following the guidelines at all times.
The crane has been replaced by a Manitou Telehandler
The old crane which served the club so well has been traded in for a Manitou Telehandler. Members will be aware that it would not have been possible to install the pontoons at the club without the crane. An added bonus was that members boats no longer have to be carried in and out of the water by hand. However the crane was old and it had started becoming prone to breakdown so it sadly had to be moved on for something newer and a bit more reliable.
The new Manitou will provide the capacity to perform essential maintenance on the pontoons when required and means there will be no requirement to return to the days of manually lifting boats in and out of the work sheds.
New PVC cladding, fascias, soffits, guttering and downpipes are being installed on the clubhouse
The old wooden exterior on the clubhouse is being replaced by a new PVC exterior. This is essential maintenance that will bring the added benefit of freshening the club up and making it look a bit more modern. This work is now well underway and should be complete in the coming weeks. One side of the roof has also been cleaned and a number of broken roof tiles replaced.
Following on from the replacement of the water pipe behind the work sheds and extension of running water to the drying shed and engine shed these are some areas for improvement which were identified by the committee and are now being worked through on an ongoing basis.
It has been two months since the last update and much has happened during this time, both on the fishing front and also with regards to the ongoing improvement of club facilities - more to follow with regards to club news.
When the lockdown restrictions were eased Jimmy Hyslop hit a purple patch with five double figure fish off the loch in a week, hats off to Jimmy on what was a great start to the season. Rab Mair had some good sport with two fish of 12.5lb in successive weeks at the Fruin and Alec Doey reported a fish of 11lb off the River Leven.
Jimmy Hyslop with one of five salmon in a week
Rab Mair with the first of two fish in two weeks at the Fruin
Most of the fish caught up until the second week in June were encountered in the lower reaches of the loch as would be expected, however from mid-June onwards successful captures were reported around Strathcashel, Inchlonaig and further up as the fish started to spread out around the loch. Michael King, Davy King Jr and Stephen McBride were amongst those who landed fish lower down whilst Stephen Blackwood had a nice grilse just below Inversnaid.
A fish of 10lb for Michael King on the Endrick Bank
Davie Henderson with a cracking fish of around 15lb which was hooked off Inchfad
Some big sea trout have also been landed as is normal for Loch Lomond with Davy King Jr and Scott Laird both landing double figure trout. Several fish in the 3-5lb class have also been reported.
An estimated double figure trout caught by Scott Laird and returned after a quick photo
A sea trout of around 4lb ready to go back
Club members that fish the River Leven have been picking up fish recently with Alun Pryce and Robert Wilson both landing grilse whilst spinning on the river during the last few days.
With more rain forecast this week the chances of sport throughout the system should be high.
The committee would like to encourage fellow members to share your stories and successes so we can keep each other appraised of what has been happening up the loch and around the system. Please send details of fish caught, those that got away, tall tales and photographs to
To receive regular updates subscribe at
Update from LLAIA website:
Removal of Current Suspension on fishing
‘I am very happy to formally announce that the suspension of angling on the Lomond system under Covid lockdown will be lifted after midnight tonight 28th of May. I’ would like to thank our members and ticket holders for the level of restraint, understanding and support during this very difficult time. While there is now a sense of optimism and positivity that this virus is becoming under control we must remember that this move to Phase 1 of the Scottish Government’s route map has only been possible as a result of people following government advice and guidelines thus far. We therefore request that we all continue to follow the guidelines in order to ensure continued progress and relaxation of restrictions.’ Jim Raeburn, Chairman LLAIA
‘Tight lines and stay safe’
Jim Raeburn
Chairman LLAIA
Following today’s announcement by the Scottish First Minister we are pleased to announce that as of 00:01 on Friday 29th May the Lomond Fishery will be open for fishing and the previous suspension lifted. Fishing will of course resume at this time subject to all anglers observing the current guidance and measures defined by the Scottish Government at this time in order to minimise further spread of infection.
Full details of the current guidelines that need to be observed at all time can be found on the Scottish Government website at:
Travel and fish alone or with people from your household
Maintain adequate social (2m min.) distancing from others whilst fishing
Fish locally within your own area
Do not share tackle, food or equipment with others beyond your own household
If you feel unwell and are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 – stay at home for the advised quarantine period
Wash your hands regularly and as soon as you get home
Familiarise yourself and follow any specific guidance required by their angling club members (VOLDAC)
Possession and production of a valid angling permit remains a requirement at all times
If in doubt about any of the guidelines or you have any questions then please contact
Regarding the retail purchase of permits locally then most permit retailers currently remain closed with the exception of “O’Briens” at Bonhill Bridge and “Lomond Stores” in Balloch where day, weekly and coarse permits can be purchased. All membership applications and renewals continue to be available via the L.L.A.I.A. website at Coarse anglers should be aware that day tickets will not be generally available presently from all retail outlets, season (calendar year) tickets can again be purchased on line at
Dear members,
I hope you are all well,
With the announcement now confirmed by the first minister allowing angling to resume from Friday 29th May as long as we can do so whilst observing social distancing. This is great news for our membership meaning that we can now fish!
The first phase of our reopening of the club will now take place from tomorrow morning (29th May).
We ask that all members and users of club facilities should do so by following government guidelines when in and around the club facilities. As previously communicated we must adhere to all new measures and processes that have been put in place. Anti-bacterial hand wash, alcohol sanitiser and disposable gloves have been supplied by the club and will be situated on the sanitising station in the rod room and rod room toilets.
Please ensure that such PPE and consumables remain on the premises for all members to use.
All used disposable gloves and tissues must be disposed of safely and thoughtfully in a bin and not left lying around the club facilities.
The use of face masks are not mandatory but they are government recommendation. The committee have left it to the individuals to decide on whether you wear a mask or not.
We want all members to enjoy being able to get out angling again and use the club facilities but we must point out that we intend on following government guidelines with social distancing and sanitisation etc. Therefore we will be monitoring the situation very closely to ensure that all members adhere to this and the new measures that we have put in place for the safety and wellbeing of all members are adhered to. We will approach this with the understanding that everyone is adapting to the “new normal” but we urge you all to get familiar with the process and measures in place quickly and safely. We don’t want to have to enforce tighter measures or restrictions on repeat offenders but will enforce if we feel that your actions are risking the safety of other members using the facilities or bringing the clubs reputation into disrepute.
The committee want all members to go out and enjoy themselves but please be safe and think about and look after one another.
Best regards,
The committee.
Address: VOLDAC, Fisherwood, Balloch, Alexandria, G83 0TJ
Phone: 01389 757843
Mobile 07984 767859