Angus MacFadyen of Milton of Buchanan

It is with deep sadness and regret that we inform you of the recent death of Angus MacFadyen of Milton of Buchanan.

From the LLAIA website:

“It is with our deepest sadness and regret that we wish to announce the recent death of Angus MacFadyen of Milton of Buchanan.

In his younger days Angus worked at MacFarlane’s boatyard. He built a number of beautiful clinker boats in his workshop at Milton of Buchanan and was still carrying out boat repairs when he was well into his 80’s. As testimony to the quality of his work many of his boats are still in use on the Loch today. The image below is Angus launching of one of his beautiful clinker boats at Balmaha. Angus was quite a character with a wealth of local knowledge and stories to tell.


Nothing was ever a problem to him and over the years was a friend to many Loch anglers. A sad loss.

Our sincere condolences to Angus’s family at this sad time.”

The club extends our deepest sympathies to the McFadyen family at this sad time.

VOLDAC Members Update

Dear members,

We hope that you and your families are well,

Over the last week and since our last update things have been relatively quiet. The committee have continued to communicate and put measures in place to ensure that the club is able to function and operate whilst observing social distancing measures.

Social distancing measures: 

All social distancing requirements have now been put in place and we are very happy to confirm that once the current lockdown is eased the VOLDAC are ready to reopen parts of the club and able to operate in a safe environment. It’s obvious that things all around the world have to change and our club is no different.

When reopening we intend on doing this over 3 phases gradually opening parts of the club when we are permitted to and when it’s safe to do so. The first phase will include opening the lower parts of the club facilities like the rod room, large workshop (green shed), small workshop, engine shed and the pontoons. All areas will have some new restrictions in place like a maximum amount of persons in an area at any one time. All new temporary changes and processes that are in place must be adhered to at all times. For obvious reasons the new changes will be monitored closely by the committee and we would expect all members to adhere to and police accordingly given the national health risk at stake. We must do all we can to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19.

We will have a sanitising station set up in the rod room at the entrance were the club will supply alcohol sanitizer and disposable gloves. There is also an additional sanitising dispenser outside the rod room toilets. All members entering and using any of the facilities must follow government guidelines on washing your hands, sanitising and observing a minimum of 2 metres from anyone else using the clubs facilities.

Moving boats in and out of the water and work sheds.

With it being very difficult to observe social distancing when lifting and moving boats around the facility we have yet to confirm what measures we will implement when carrying this out. We are aware that we still have around 8 boats in the large work shed at different stages of repair once the boats are finished and ready to be launched we would ask that the member contacts one of the boat convenors to arrange for the boat to be moved. No boat should be removed or enter the workshop without a boating and building convenor being made aware and confirmation that this can be done safely.

We will work with the members that still have boats being worked on to ensure that you are able to complete the works and return the boat to the water ASAP. Once the club reopens please ensure that you contact the boat convenors to make arrangements for you to commence working on your boats. 

What’s next?

With the Scottish government continuing lockdown until at least the 28th May we must look towards this date with anticipation. 

 For now it’s down to playing the waiting game counting down the days until the lockdown is eased and angling resumes. We are all looking forward to getting back out fishing whether it be back on Loch Lomond trolling, fly fishing or fishing one of the many rivers or lochs that we treasure. 

Until then we ask that you all stay safe by following government guidelines.

Best regards,

The committee.

VOLDAC Members Update

Dear members,

We hope that you and your families are safe and well.

As we continue to navigate through these uncharted waters and times of uncertainty it’s important that we as a committee continue to closely monitor the government updates. The information given over the last few days including this evening (Sunday), positive steps have been made in London to allow sports to be undertaken in England unfortunately the Scottish first minister has decided that Scotland will follow on with current lockdown measures in place for at least the next 3 weeks. We must monitor the situation and prepare the club and its facilities in order for the club and its members to follow social distancing when we get the green light to reopen parts of our club and its facilities.

Since our last update on the 28th April the committee have continued to work away behind the scenes holding internet meetings to discuss how when the time is right to reopen parts of the club to allow members to continue fishing and work on their boats in the work sheds. Some members may have seen some movement around the club over the last few days. 

What’s new?

New water mains pipe installed

Over the last few days some of the club committee and members of VOLDAC have been down working at the club carrying out some essential works. The mains water pipe that supplies our club with fresh water ruptured at the rear of one of the work sheds and had to be replaced. Although this repair and now replacement of the pipe has been an issue for some time now it was essential that the works were carried out and completed. Whilst the works was being completed we decided to install running water to both the engine shed and large workshop this will be a welcomed addition for many of our members that use the facilities regularly. Thank you to all volunteers that were present and helped out with the works. This was a huge task undertaken and completed with good team work and endeavour.

Social distancing measures

Following on from 2 internet committee meetings to discuss implementation of social distancing procedures some members have started to carry this out on the facilities. We have added 2 metre distancing markers to the rod room and the entrances to the workshops. We will also be installing sanitising stations in both the rod room and workshops this will continue throughout the club and its facilities in the coming days to ensure that the club its ready to reopen safely when it’s time to do so.  

General grounds maintenance

Whilst the club has been closed we have continued to maintain the grounds cutting the grass, weeding and a general tidy up around the grounds. We have also upgraded our security systems by adding new cameras to bolster our security keeping the club and the member’s belongings safe.

So what’s next?

We are confident that by next weekend the social distancing works will be completed and the club will be ready to reopen once we have the green light.

Fishing Loch Lomond when lockdown is eased

With it being likely that angling will be allowed to continue before motorboat cruising the park authorities have made it very clear that only boats that are fishing will be permitted on the loch. This will be policed by both Police Scotland and the national park authorities.

Some of our members have not yet been able to register their boats for the 2020 season and therefore will not be in procession of the 2020 national park badges that we require to have when fishing on the loch with a boat. We are in discussion with the park authorities at the moment to have an agreement set up allowing our members to continue fishing without being potentially put off the loch. It’s likely that the VOLDAC committee will collate the information required for the park authorities to allow you to fish with 2019 badges until the park authorities offices reopen and catch up with the back log.

How do I obtain permission to fish the loch from a boat?

All members, if you wish to fish the loch we would therefore ask that you email our VOLDAC email address on our website prior to lockdown being eased. We will require your name and boat registration number to be emailed to us confirming that you plan to fish so we can inform the national park authorities.  For members without email facilities please contact a member of the committee with the information required.

  • Remember if you’re not registered you’re not permitted to fish Loch Lomond.

  • Members must be reminded that government guidelines must be adhered to whilst on and using club facilities once we have reopened. We must respect all member’s safety and wellbeing.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of the committee. We have several contact email addresses on our website. We will respond as soon as possible.

Stay safe,

Best wishes,

The committee.

VOLDAC Members Update

Dear members,

I hope all is well with you and your families.

The last few weeks have been monumental times for us with the VOLDAC being closed for a period of time since it first opened in 1974. With this being unprecedented and unheard of we find ourselves in uncharted waters. The committee have had to adjust and adapt like all members to the “new normal” as it’s been described by the government. VOLDAC have followed and respected the guidelines around managing and minimising the risks to COVID-19. The committee had to make some calculated but prompt decisions like closing the club and its facilities until further notice I would like to thank all members and staff for their support and understanding which led to us being cut off from our livelihoods, hobbies and for some a way of life, our routine!

What’s next for VOLDAC, the staff and their members?

We will continue to take the advice from the government and implement the measures set. We are conscious and hopeful that as the latest 3 weeks of lockdown approaches the end on the 7th May the government may look to ease restrictions we believe that non-contact sports like angling and golf maybe considered and allowed. This will allow us to look at how we start to reopen and in what capacity.

What happens when lockdown is lifted?

Although lockdown measures will be reevaluated on or around the 7th May it has been made clear that some form of restrictions like social distancing will remain for the foreseeable future. The committee must have the safety of all staff and members as their first priority this means that we must look at the club and how it currently functions and operates. Changes and new processes will have to be drawn up and implemented to ensure that the club and its facilities can operate safely and continue to follow government guidelines. We are monitoring the situation closely which will allow us to be proactive and prompt in ensuring that when the club and its facilities reopen we have social distancing measures in place as well as sanitising equipment etc.

As a committee we are keen to get back out angling again as soon as possible and I’m sure all of our membership feel the same. Whether it be fishing on our rivers within the LLAIA membership, fly fishing on the many hill lochs or club fishings.  For most getting back out on the loch where many of our members spend their free time, some are on the hunt for Atlantic salmon and some just love to go for a sail with the fishing sticks out enjoying the wonderful scenery which is backed up with a sense of tranquillity. Not to forget the camping trips on the many islands on Loch Lomond.

What has the committee been doing whilst in lockdown?

As you can appreciate many of the committee’s responsibilities and duties are still relevant and important even when the club is closed. The club finances are the lifeblood of the club and our treasurer has been working tirelessly to ensure that the club fees are paid to allow the club to survive whilst we are closed. This coupled by ensuring that all bills are paid and continuing to manage finances in general. Some committee members have contacted all vulnerable and ageing membership to ensure that everyone is ok and to offer help and assistance where possible. For some members it was just good to get a catch up and feel part of something more than just a club or a membership. We have carried out some essential works around the pontoons with the water dropping to summer levels over the last few weeks the pontoon bridges and platforms were lodged on the banks of the river making easy access to our pontoons and boats for some opportunists. We have also tried to maintain the grounds as best we can like cutting the grass and weeding around the club buildings and pathways. This ensures that the club remains maintained for all to see from the very busy cycle path.

I hope some of you find this of interest and it gives you confidence that the club is still very much alive and kicking! We look forward to seeing you all very soon.

“Stay safe”

We are all in this together.

Best regards,

The committee.

Sailing Club Break-ins

A number of boats were broken into at the Sandbar Sailing Club on the River Leven last night. Craft owners reported the theft of personal items and damage sustained to their boats.

A reminder not to store valuable equipment or personal items on your fishing boats.

Members are also reminded that the CCTV cameras at the club can be monitored by any member at any time by downloading the app on your mobile phone. Contact a committee member for further details.

If any suspicious behaviour is witnessed please notify the police.

Stay safe.

The committee.

Important: Reminder

Dear members,

I hope that you and your families are safe and well at this difficult time for all.

This update is a gentle reminder to all members that the club and its entire facilities are closed. As you are all aware VOLDAC have been following and adhering to government guidelines which includes Sail Scotland and LLAIA guidelines for some weeks now. The following instruction must be adhered to by all members of VOLDAC.

Information provided on behalf of the government and Sail Scotland is that no craft whether it be Leisure or Pleasure can be used in Scottish Waters unless for essential use. The LLAIA have also suspended all angling, and the VOLDAC and its facilities remain closed. It’s reasonable to accept that members will need to check that their boat is secure from time to time so as long as you’re wearing your life jacket whilst on the pontoons this remains acceptable. Hand sanitizer is available on the wall next to the toilet in the rod/locker room.

Members, I would urge you all to observe and follow the above guidelines. The committee understands how frustrating this is but we are all in the same position. Most if not all members would love nothing more than to go for a sail or carry out some maintenance on your boat or engine. Unfortunately this cannot happen until further notice.

If you require any further information or clarity please contact a member of the committee using the contact details on the website.

“We are all in this together”

Stay safe all.

The committee.

Annual Membership Fees

Many thanks to all members who made the effort to stop by and pay their annual membership fees today.

For those with fees outstanding, please bear in mind that payment is due by next weekend, either half payment or full payment.

The option to have your fees collected still stands, please contact a member of the committee if this would help.

Stay safe!

Your Committee

Coronavirus - VOLDAC Response

Members are advised that the bar is now closed and all hall bookings are cancelled until further notice in accordance with government guidelines on coronavirus. The presentation dance will be rescheduled later in the year. The lower level will remain accessible, however members are asked to refrain from using the club for social purposes until further notice. 

Membership Fees

The hall will be open for one day only on Sunday 22nd March from 12:30 - 2:30pm so that annual membership fees can be collected. Members are urged to make the effort to pay their fees promptly as the club will be heavily reliant on these as a result of the impending closure. 

Hand sanitizer will be available and a maximum of two members will be allowed to enter the premises at any one time.

Committee members are standing by to collect fees from vulnerable members who are unable to attend the club in person. A secure box will also be made available so that members can drop their fees off if unable to attend on Sunday.  The secure box will be CCTV protected and cheques will also be accepted. Members are still liable for payment of fees. The importance of annual membership fees to sustain the club through uncertain times ahead cannot be overemphasized.

If you have any issues that require urgent attention or require your fees to be collected please contact a member of the Committee who will be happy to assist.

Rab Mair - 07982 641020
Donald Brown - 07879 552665
Rab Wilson - 07968 049856
Tam McBride - 07787 946184

There are many unknowns at this stage so please stay safe and look after each other.

The Committee

Club News

Loch Lomond Rescue Boat

A group of VOLDAC members presented a donation of £500 to the Loch Lomond Rescue Boat on behalf of the club on Saturday 15th February at the Boatshed in Luss.

Your efforts are really appreciated by all at the VOLDAC.



Boat Shift - Sunday 15th March

Need to get your boat in the water? Then eat your weetabix and be at the club for 9am sharp!

Fishing Permits

Members will have the opportunity to renew their LLAIA memberships for the 2020 season on Sunday 22nd March from at the VOLDAC from 1 - 3pm.

This will be the final chance to purchase permits for the new season in person from the LLAIA rep.

Membership Fees

Annual membership fees are now due and can be paid in the members lounge on Sunday 22nd March or Sunday 29th March, 12:30 - 3:30pm both days.

Prompt payment is appreciated - thanks.

Presentation Dance - Saturday 4th April

Tickets are available at the bar or can be purchased at the door. Bring a raffle prize and your dancing shoes!

Carman Fishery Day Out

The club day out at Carman Fishery will be rescheduled (most likely during the school summer holidays) when the weather is a bit better and the fishing is well underway.

Carman Trout Fishery Outing Rescheduled - Sunday 8th March 2020

The club outing to Carman Trout Fishery which was initially scheduled for 2nd February 2020 is rescheduled for Sunday 8th March.

Competitions are for heaviest fish and best bag - bragging rights up for grabs!

Registration is via the sheet in the bar, alternatively you can email

Fishing is 9am - 5pm by bait or fly, a 4 hour ticket is also available - the more the merrier. No trolling off the boat!


Christmas Party

Santa rocked up at the VOLDAC this weekend spreading cheer and goodwill at the Kids Christmas Party.

Merry Christmas to one and all!


Boat Shift

Thanks to all who attended the boat shift today - good to see a strong turn out for the last shift of 2019.

With last season now a memory, helping hands and club facilities allow members to focus on boat maintenance and preparation for the start of next season.

Many hands make light work!

Last Saturday

The club would like to thank all members and guests who attended on Saturday night to celebrate what will be the last fishing day of the season for many. It was great to see so many familiar faces. Here’s to the next one! And to the work day on Sunday ;-)