Work Day - Sunday 24 July


Thanks to the handful of members who gave up their time and turned up for the work party on Sunday morning. We managed to get the rod room, workshop and drying shed tidied and swept.

In preparation for our next workday on Sunday 24 July, members are reminded that all personal belongings must be stored inside lockers.

Any item except oars, found sitting on top of a locker or stacked up outside a locker is at risk of being binned. This also applies to any materials that have been left lying around the drying shed or workshop without a label displaying the owners name.

We look forward to welcoming as many members as possible at 09:00 on Sunday 24 July to assist with the general maintenance and upkeep of your club.

Many thanks,

The committee

VOLDAC Cabaret Night - Saturday 4th June


A reminder that tickets are still available for the cabaret night at the VOLDAC on Saturday 4th June. However, they are going fast so act quickly if you would like to come along and be entertained.

Tickets can be reserved within the events book behind the bar and must be paid in full before 4th June.

See you there.

The committee

2022 Annual Membership Fees


Please note that Annual Membership Fees for 2022 are now due and can be paid via the following means.

  1. Via bank transfer. If this is your preference please contact a committee member for bank details.

  2. In person at the VOLDAC on Sunday 27th March from 12:30pm onwards.

Please note that a representative from the LLAIA will be in attendance on Sunday should anybody also wish to purchase their permit on the day. This will be on the basis that applicants have completed their permit renewal forms.

Many thanks,

The committee

Boat Shifts


If anybody still needs their boats moved before the fishing begins in earnest, there are two boat shifts remaining. Dates below:

  • Sunday 6th March 2022

  • Sunday 20th March 2022

As always, all help is welcome.

This conflicts with previous posts which indicated that the final two boat shifts were on 13th March and 27th March. Apologies for the miscommunication.


The committee

AGM - Friday 25th February


A reminder that we will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Friday 25th February 2022.

We request that all members attending are seated for 7:30pm in the function suite.

Look forward to seeing you there.

The committee

Members Update


With the new season fast approaching the committee would like to notify members of the following general points.


The AGM will take place in the function hall on Friday 25th February 2022. Please make the effort to attend.

Annual Presentation Dance

The Annual Presentation Dance is scheduled to take place on Saturday 26th March. Given that life now appears to be slowly returning to normal we hope to see old friends and fellow members out in force for what should be a great night.

General Boat Maintenance

Please remember to stop by the club on occasion to check your boat and bail it out if required. Likewise, if you notice that somebody else’s boat needs bailed then let them or a committee member know.

Boat Shifts

There are still a few boat shifts to go if you need to move your boat or would to just help out or shoot the breeze. Dates as follows:





Gas Bottles

We would like to remind members that gas bottles cannot be stored on the premises as they are a fire hazard. Any found lying around will be removed at the next boat shift or work day if not before.

Public Rescue Equipment (PRE)

PRE has been installed on 8 bridges over the River Leven that have pedestrian access. Fire Scotland and the Partnership Approach to Water Safety) (PAWS) Group have requested that VOLDAC members report any deficiencies with this equipment should any be observed

Each bridge will receive 2 x lifebelts with rope attached.

Where access is pedestrian only a lifebelt will be located at each end of the bridge.

Where access is foot and vehicle a life belt will be located in the centre of the bridge on each side of the carriageway to reduce the need to cross traffic.

The bridges are as follows:

  • Balloch Bridge

  • Lomond Road Bridge

  • Stuckie Bridge

  • Bonhill Bridge

  • Renton Bridge

  • Leven Bridge (A82)

  • Artizan / Dalreoch Bridge

  • Dumbarton Bridge

Any issues can be reported to Scott McLelland on 07772442950.

Hope to see you down the club or up the Loch soon.

Kind regards,

The committee


Boat Shifts


Happy New Year to all members, family and friends. All the best for 2022!

With another new season just around the corner, please note that the remaining boat shifts are as follows:







As always, it would be great to have good attendance at each shift in order to assist with moving boats around the facilities. Many hands make light work!

If you wish to reserve a space in any of the work sheds, add your name and the dates requested on the lists which have been put up in the rod room.

Finally, a reminder to keep an eye on your boats when they are moored on the pontoons. If your boat needs bailed out then don’t leave it too long. And if you notice that somebody else’s boat needs bailed out then please let them know or inform a committee member.

Many thanks,

The committee

VOLDAC - Boats Damaged


Unfortunately, some boats are reported to have been damaged outside the club last night by a group of passers by. CCTV footage has been forwarded to Police Scotland who have requested that all damage is reported as soon as possible.

If you have not already done so, could you please check your boat and report any damage to a committee member, especially if your boat is on the hard standing outside the clubhouse or on the pontoon nearest the weir.

Many thanks,

The committee

Christmas Party - Cancelled


Regretfully we must inform all members, families and friends that this year’s annual VOLDAC Christmas Party has been cancelled.

This is in line with the Scottish Governments new COVID 19 isolation requirements on the back of the latest evidence regarding the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant.

Ticket payments will be refunded and and Santa will give out party bags to those that booked tickets at 11:30 - 12:30 on Sunday at the club main entrance.

Please accept our apologies and try to bear in mind that safety and the ability to enjoy Christmas with family and loved ones must come first.

Kind regards,

The committee

Final Reminder - Catch Returns Due 30th November


If you have not already submitted your annual catch return, please note that these are due today. See the below message from the LLAIA.

Important Reminder - Season 2021 Catch Returns Due Now

Message for our all our Full Members, Associate Members and day ticket anglers.

We would like to remind everyone that catch returns, including ‘Nil Returns’ are now due and should be submitted as soon as possible. This is very time consuming activity for the committee, and we would be grateful if you could complete your return as soon as possible if you have not already done so.

The LLAIA have a statutory obligation to forward a return of all migratory fish caught on the system to Marine Scotland by 31 December each year.

Last year despite fair warning being given that this measure would be enforced unfortunately several members found themselves £25 lighter in the pocket.

This year’s returns will be used in determining the salmon conservation category for season 2023, so it’s important that every angler returns their figures to us including ‘Nil Catches’.

We realise that some coarse anglers hold full memberships and we require a return from all members and River Leven season and day ticket holders.

Forms have already been issued with permits but copies are available at O’ Brien’s store at Bonhill Bridge and all permit retailers. These must be returned to us by 30 November to

allow for the preparation and transmission of the final report and should be posted to.

L.L.A.I.A. Catch Returns

4 Woodside Place

Charing Cross


G3 7QF

There are also collection boxes located within O’ Brien’s and on the railings adjacent to


Online Catch Register

The LLAIA online Catch Register is now live and can be visited on our home page. Or by clicking the link below.

This service can be accessed by full members, associate members and weekly and day ticket

holders. ’Nil Returns’ must also be recorded and subscribers will receive email confirmation.

LLAIA online Catch Register link: Online Catch Register

Many thanks to those of you who have already submitted.


LLAIA Committee

Members Update - AGM & Catch Returns


Update for all members.


Please note that a retrospective 2020 AGM will be held at the VOLDAC on Thursday 25th November at 7:30pm. Members are requested to make the effort to attend.

Catch Returns

A reminder that catch returns for the 2021 season are due by the end of November. Failure to submit even a nil return will result in a £25 fine being imposed by the LLAIA. Which, we would like our members to avoid.

Returns can be submitted by post or via the LLAIA website.

To submit your return online, simply copy and paste the link below into your web browser, enter your email address and press the button to receive a link to an electronic form by email. You will require your permit number in order to submit an online catch return.

Many thanks,

The committee

Boat Shifts & General Upkeep


With the end of the season nearly upon us it is almost time to remove boats from the water and make a start on much needed repair work and general maintenance. To that end, the Boating Convenor has released the boat shift schedule for the closed season. As follows:











It would be great to have good attendance at each shift in order to assist with moving boats around the facilities. Many hands make light work!

If you wish to reserve a space in any of the work sheds, add your name and the dates requested on the lists which have been put up in the rod room. Demand is likely to be higher than usual this year due to the lockdowns of the previous two winters. Therefore, members are asked to ensure that all work is completed on time so that the person behind you on the list can get their boat in as planned.

Finally, a gentle reminder to keep an eye on your boats when they are moored on the pontoons. If your boat needs bailed out then don’t leave it too long. And if you notice that somebody else’s boat needs bailed out then please let them know or inform a committee member.

Many thanks,

The committee

Saturday Social Nights


It’s time to dust off your dancing shoes!

Saturday night socials will return at the VOLDAC on a weekly basis from Saturday 16th October.

All are welcome.


The committee


Members General Update


Another work day will be held at the club on Sunday 10th October to help install new fencing and hand rails outside the clubhouse. A general tidy up of the club and work sheds is also planned to start preparing for boats coming out of the water at the end of the season.

As always, some support from our members is necessary, and appreciated.

It is now also possible to start arranging some social events again, and to that end, there is a Halloween Party planned on Friday 29th October followed by the annual end of season bash on Saturday 30th October.

Details below - hope to see you there.


The committee



Work Day - Sunday 19th September


Another work day is being held at the club on Sunday 19th September.

This is to prepare for a new footpath and steps in order to improve access, following up on the concreting work that has already been done. Some odd jobs and a general clean up are also planned.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

As usual, the work will start at 9am till around lunchtime.

Many thanks,

The committee

Work Day - Sunday 5th September


A work day is being held at the club on Sunday 5th September in order to prepare for laying a new concrete footpath and steps, and to carry out a general tidy up of the premises.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated - apologies for the late notice.

The shift will start at 09:00 as usual.

Many thanks,

The committee

Members Update - Bar Opening & Annual Fees

Update for all members.

Club refurbishment and bar opening:

Club refurbishment works are still ongoing. However, the bar will be open this weekend at the usual times.

Annual fees:

Note that annual membership fees are due to be paid in full by the end of this month.

If you wish to pay your fees by bank transfer then contact a member of the committee to obtain the club bank details if required. Should you prefer to pay in person a committee member will be available in the bar on the following dates:

Sunday 22nd August 12:30 - 3:00pm

Sunday 29th August 12:30 - 3:00pm

Kind regards,

The committee

Bar Closure - Refurbishment


The bar will remain closed this weekend due to the continuation of the refurbishment works this week within the clubhouse.

It is expected that work will be ongoing over the next week or two, we will provide a further update before next weekend.

Kind regards,

The committee